
I would like to ask if it make sense to create pty for a serial real
device (instead of building a pci-tty kernel driver) ?

The full story:
I have FPGA behind PCIe with several devices: serial, i2c and others.
I thought of implementing in userspace the device driver using vfio or

Now if we need the serial to be like a regular serial in Linux, then I
can use the pty with the serial userspace implementation (all pci
devices implementation shall be done in userspace), and the last stage
will be to link the serial APIs in userspace with a pty , so that
application can see it in /dev/pty and use it just like any tty device
(read, write, set baud rates, etc).

Does it make sense to use pty this way with a real device ? or would
you recommend doing it all in kernel ?

Thank you,

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