I want to keep host os running and make igd device recyclable for
passthrough to another guest.
But is seems unstable, sometimes vga driver in windows 10 guest can not be
loaded normally, after host rebooted it can work again.
In libvirt xml, I have already set in the hostdev element managed = yes.

Alex Williamson <alex.william...@redhat.com> 于2018年12月5日周三 下午11:39写道:

> On Wed, 5 Dec 2018 19:26:06 +0800
> Acewind <acew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > When unbind a intel igd device from vfio-pci and want to bind it again
> > to the normal host driver, what host driver should be used when i915
> > is blacklisted?
> The "normal" host driver would be i915, you'd get reduced performance
> and functionality from anything else and non-pci drivers might be even
> worse than i915 about dynamic binding.  You don't need to blacklist
> i915 to be able to unbind it for vfio use, but as I recall, i915
> doesn't always like to re-bind to the device so you might need to file
> some upstream bugs against i915 to get those fixed.  Thanks,
> Alex
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