I add <rom bar=off/> in hostdev secion of the libvirt xml, and screen is ok
after virsh create, but I don't known why ...

Acewind <acew...@gmail.com> 于2018年10月13日周六 下午10:46写道:

> Thanks!  I will try other VBIOS version available.
> Alex Williamson <alex.william...@redhat.com> 于2018年10月13日周六 上午7:59写道:
>> On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 07:24:14 +0800
>> Acewind <acew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > If I leave vnc graphic in libvirt xml, and set target address of IGD
>> > hostdev to another dbsf (not 0000:0:02.0),win 10 guest can work.
>> > Then I connect into win10 guest with vnc viewer, Intel graphic device
>> can
>> > be seen ok and I can install driver for it.
>> If the IGD is not at 0000:00:02.0 in the guest then it's not running in
>> legacy mode, which might be fine for you device, though Intel has kind
>> of abandoned the idea of Legacy vs UPT mode.  UPT mode was originally
>> meant to run only as a secondary display to an emulated graphics, so
>> you probably wouldn't get boot graphics on a physical display, if
>> that's what you're after.  Thanks,
>> Alex
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