Hi All,

I have an HD 6990 card which is a dual gpu card from 2011 (pre GCN) that I am 
trying to pass through with vfio.

I successfully passed both GPUs to a VM with QEMU, but seabios gets stuck on an 
option ROM (which I believe is attached to the second GPU). I can see the card 
initialize, though, so I know that works. If I specify an empty ROM file to the 
second GPU, the BIOS boots and I can get into windows. I can install drivers, 
but it appears that they only use one GPU (so, I cannot enable crossfile 
between them). I also downloaded a copy of the ROM file for my model (Gigabyte) 
from techpowerup.com and get the same behavior of getting stuck if I specify 
the file on both GPUs. The AMD drivers also, notably, don't seem to recognize 
the card properly saying the generic name of "HD 6900 Series," which I believe 
isn't the correct behavior, although I haven't tried it in a real windows 
machine to verify yet.

I suspect the issue may have to do with a PLX bridge chip that shows up in 
lspci (which is part of the card) but that isn't directly passed to the VM, and 
the GPU bios hangs trying to do something with that, but I am not entirely 

Attached is the output of my lspci -knn as well as my VM spinup script and the 
output of seabios debug... Any other relevant system details can be provided. 

I am not sure where to go from here... Perhaps emulating the PCI topology of 
the card somehow? Maybe even there is a way to pass the PLX bridge chip? 

Thanks for your help in advance

Doug Johnson <dou...@dougvj.net>

Attachment: lspci.output
Description: Binary data

Attachment: start_win_vm.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: seabios.output
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpLNu_o9yCm9.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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