I have several RX 480 cards that I use to run virtual machines and one of
them is getting bugged intermittently after several virtual machine
restarts. When it happens, the screen either turns off or turns light grey
and Windows 7 or 10 just BSOD repeatedly when starting. The only thing that
helps consistently is restarting the entire PC. Once I was able to fix the
card by doing the following:

1) Pull and reinsert the PCIE 6 pin power cable from it
2) Unbind card from vfio driver
3) echo "1" > /sys/bus/pci/devices/MY:CARD:NUMBER/remove
4) echo "1" > /sys/bus/pci/rescan

Just steps 2 through 4 do not seem to help and I am a bit hesitant messing
with cables on a running PC.

Question: is there a way to reset the card without a restart? I get this
situation fairly infrequently, but still it is a bit annoying. Also, would
it make sense to add my card to pci-quirks.c where it handles older cards?
There is no polaris cards there as far as I can see.
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