FYI the X58 is very old and Intel didn't really make a proper IOMMU for that generation of CPU's - no Interrupt Remapping and most boards lack IOMMU-GFX support so you can't attach a video card. Don't let it color your experience and future endeavors.

I would RMA your X399 board, assuming it has proper IOMMU groups and enough slots you can easily do multi seat.

While I do not have a Ryzen (I didn't want a system with ME/PSP) I play games in a VM on my KGPE-D16 and AMD Opteron 6274 "Bulldozer" setup so it does work with AMD stuff - for the end user the intel/v/amd IOMMU technical details don't really matter they both work fine.

They've solved the Ryzen IOMMU bugs just *make sure* you get a board where the vendor releases BIOS updates, properly implements IOMMU (most don't, which is why I bought my coreboot board) and doesn't make five different revisions of the same board with slightly different features and issues.

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