On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 11:58 PM, Steve Freitas <sfl...@ihonk.com> wrote:

> On 11/06/2017 07:01 PM, Marcial Ascencio wrote:
>> Hi guys, i was planning to buy USB card with at least 2 usb ports to
>> assign each one to each VM, so I'm asking some advice about a brand that
>> works soft with Linux VFIO. Thank you so much in advance!
> Hi Marcial,
> The Sonnet Allegro Pro worked great for me: https://amazon.com/Sonnet-Alle
> gro-Pro-PCIe-card/dp/B00XPUHO10/
> I pass three of the four controllers through to different VMs, no ACS
> override necessary on my machine. VM reboots work without an issue. An
> earlier post on this mailing list indicated problems with this card with VM
> reboots, but that seems to have been resolved in more recent kernels. My
> host runs Ubuntu 17.04, kernel 4.10.

Does the PCIe switch actually support ACS on the downstream ports for this
card?  I've seen some reports that certain switch configurations are
incorrectly allowing separate iommu groups where they shouldn't.  Fair
warning, we're probably going to need to fix that and break some
configurations that were incorrectly grouped.  Thanks,

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