Hi folks,


I have a Windows 10 VM running on unRAID 6.3.5 which as KVM/QEMU built-in
(QEMU 2.7.1 / libvirt 2.4.0), which I passthrough a Skylake IGD in legacy
mode. The video output works fine, however, the issue is that the intel
video driver memory manager stole 4.3GB and put it in a non-paged memory
pool. That mean that on my 8GB of ram in my VM, only 3.7GB is available to
the user. If I assign less than 4GB, the intel IGD wont work at all.


I've read about the fw_cfg that need some configuration for IGD, but I
didn't find any prebuild file for an IGD nor the source files to build the


I have open threads in two other forum but no success so far: 






Thanks for your help, Mathieu.


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