On 08/15/2017 02:12 AM, Torbjorn Jansson wrote:

On 2017-08-15 02:44, taii...@gmx.com wrote:
On 08/14/2017 12:28 AM, Torbjorn Jansson wrote:

yes i noticed that part was missing, but the card i have is an I350-T2 and according to: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/ethernet-products/000005722.html

the I350-T2 is supposed to have sr-iov support.
i guess it is possible they sent me the wrong type of card or something, i'll double check what is listed on the card itself.
Some OEM's (ex: dell) shut off the SR-IOV ability on their NIC's because reasons. Please provide an lspci -n and lspci -v -v for that device so we can see what OEM it is.

I would return it and have them send you a real one that isn't nerfed, also FYI most NIC's on ebay are counterfeit so be careful what you buy. https://www.servethehome.com/investigating-fake-intel-i350-network-adapters/ (real intel NIC ASIC and SR-IOV but crappy secondary components)

if i look at the back of the card there is a sticker with: I350T2V2

here is the output:
I would say you almost definitely got a fake - either way send it back.

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