On Mon, 2017-07-31 at 09:40 +1000, Jeremy Visser wrote:
> On 30 July 2017 at 22:03, Wojciech B <koszalin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I had to edit VM xml to disable kvm option to avoid nvidia error 43 in
> > Windows guest though.
> This is not relevant to my case because in order for someone to
> experience Code 43 error, one must first have the display working at
> all albeit in low resolution unaccelerated mode.
> I would love to be experiencing Code 43 because it means I get a
> display at all, and then the only fix I need is to hide KVM.
> In my case the display is not coming up at all — not even showing the
> TianoCore logo or powering up the monitor.
> Anyway I set KVM hidden mode on and it doesn't make a scrap of difference.

Is the monitor directly plugged into the card, or does it go through a
KVM switch? The reason I ask is that I had a very similar experience
with the first switch I tried, simply because it powered down any
output ports that weren't selected. When I changed it for a different
model it all worked properly.


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