On Mon, 8 May 2017 16:58:22 -0700
Nick S <nick.kv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The host console is associated with emulated VGA and indeed becomes just a
> useful window to grab/release your keyboard and mouse focus. It is used
> during the boot process and displays whatever was the last output before
> your OS switched to the passthrough GPU. I am not sure what you are trying
> to fix here, it may be possible to completely get rid of this console and
> use your passthrough card for boot as well, but overall it works as
> designed. You normally need a separate display cable and port to see your
> guest output.

I feel you are reading that I was talking about the Qemu console window; I did
not, I meant the actual prompt in the 80x25 text mode on a physical monitor.

My monitor is connected to the host video card and that is OK. (I do not need
to see my guest output on the monitor, VNC access to the guest OS is enough
for my task).

The host machine does not use Xorg, it boots into said text console only.
I log-in and launch the shell script which starts the guest. After that,
the content shown on the host's video card monitor stops updating (freezes),
and all local access to the host machine via the connected monitor/keyboard is
effectively lost until reboot. This is the problem. (Incidentally, trying to
switch consoles with Alt-F1...Alt-FX does not work either). It does not blank
out either, just whatever was last printed there stays displayed and frozen

How can I keep the host video card and text console working while the guest
is running (which uses another video card)?

With respect,

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