Hi Taiidan.
I tried to do this in my Corsair 570X but there is another problem - PSU
cover - so no can do. The only way for me is ACS patch which I'm looking
for but it's a hard way.

2017-04-25 23:07 GMT+02:00 taii...@gmx.com <taii...@gmx.com>:

> On 04/25/2017 02:01 PM, Wojciech B wrote:
> Thank you gentlemen. I'll take a look on the ACS patch but I don't know if
>> I can handle this. Otherwise there is a changing-port solution but I'm not
>> sure if my case's I/O cables (USB 3.0 especially) will let me do this
>> because it is stuck in the bottom of my motherboard near the third PCIe
>> port.
> You could get some right angle dupont cables and then hook them up to your
> cases cables.
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