I thought u're using something like virt-viewer for the display, which work 
with vdagent.exe. Looks like that's not the case.
How do u switch mouse/keyboard between the host and the VM? 

    On Friday, April 21, 2017 12:25 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan <p...@usb.ve> wrote:

 On Thu, 2017-04-20 at 10:52 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Thu, 2017-04-20 at 07:59 +0000, Daimon Wang wrote:
> > Hi Patrick,    Your qemu log indicate that you're using qxl display card 
> > and spice together with  VGA pass-through. And you can see the VM output 
> > directly from on one of the HDMI output. Are u sure one of your VGA card is 
> > pass-through to the VM and is working? I'm asking because I heard they 
> > won't work together.
> Yes, all that is working correctly. I use the VM for gaming with no other 
> issues.
> >     Well suppose that do works. Please check if the keyboard is still 
> > functional when the mouse die in the VM. Use e.g. the "windows" key or 
> > alt+tab for testing. If keyboard is fine, try to find a process named 
> > "vdagent.exe", kill it (it'll re-spawn) and see if mouse comeback.
> The keyboard is working (it's a wireless Logitech connected via the same 
> dongle as the mouse). I've also used a separate wired mouse on a different 
> USB header but still get the problem occasionally.
> I'll try the vdagent.exe thing next time it happens, as long as I can figure 
> out how to get to it using only the keyboard. Thanks for the tip.

There doesn't appear to be such a process (using Task Manager in a
working Windows 10 VM).


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