XML dump: https://pastebin.com/MFdqSV1F
I haven't touched it by hand at all, it's all generated by virt-manager.
I installed Windows and booted into it. Here's a screengrab of the
Windows Device Manager: http://imgur.com/crC1lsd I was able to install
the drivers for the first one ("Microsoft Basic Display Adapter") and
after the installation its name changed to "MSI AMD R9 380" and its
errors went away. For the others, it couldn't automatically find the
For the "HID Button over Interrupt Driver", the status message was:
This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the
drivers required for this device (Code 31)
Object Name not found.
And for the others it was the same:
The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
According to Windows, the "PCI Device" is attached to PCI slot 10, "PCI
Simple Communications Controller" to slot 7 and "Video Controller" to
slot 12. Unfortunately, I was unable to figure out which devices these
refer to.
On 04/16/2017 02:49 PM, Marius Steffen wrote:
Could you please attach your virtual machine's config XML (output of
'sudo virsh dumpxml <your_machine_name>')?
Also, Graphical Console is not available because you removed the QXL
controller and SPICE server. Please try reattaching them (SPICE, Tablet,
set video controller type to QXL) and keep your GPU attached.
Start into Windows 10 (you should be able to use the Graphical Console
in virt-manager now) and tell us/take a screenshot of Windows' device
manager, and possible errors it's showing regarding your GPU.
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