oh ok, please forget it. I've noticed that hyper-v enlightenments were
enabled and indeed, I've modified the vendor_id string.

damn nvidia forcing us to cope with improvised methods


Dan Alec

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 12:00 AM, Dan Alec <dana...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry, I don't understand 'hyperv enlightenments'?
> I'm running Archlinux with the latest qemu, ovmf git and never had to
> modify vendor_id string.
> Dan Alec
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 10:57 PM, taii...@gmx.com <taii...@gmx.com> wrote:
>> On 03/13/2017 07:18 PM, Dan Alec wrote:
>> Well, I have successfully passed Asus GTX 1060 3G and had no much problem
>>> Btw, thanks Alex for sharing tips @ https://vfio.blogspot.com
>>> Here it is the parameters I've been using
>>> https://github.com/danalec/kvm/blob/master/run
>>> I'd appreciate any hints or comments,
>>> Cheers!
>>> Dan Alec
>> You have only been able to do that because either you aren't using the
>> hyperv enlightenments or because the kvm developers programmed a
>> work-around so you can modify the vendor_id string.
>> Nvidia and FOSS go together like oil and water.
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