On 11 March 2017 at 23:51, Samuel Holland <sam...@sholland.org> wrote:

> On 03/11/17 07:24, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rd.blacklist=nvidia rd.blacklist=nouveau
>> intel_iommu=on iommu=pt rd.driver.pre=vfio-pci
>> vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 $([ -x /usr/sbin/rhcrashkernel-param
>> ] && /usr/sbin/rhcrashkernel-param || :) rhgb quiet resume=U
>> UID=1431e6d2-531e-46cd-8633-1cf878c6b2a1" audit=0
>> (Note that I have the Nvidia proprietary driver so need to mask that
>> as well as Nouveau).
> rd.* options only matter inside the initramfs. Once your root filesystem
> is mounted and udev is restarted, it will pick up the nvidia drivers
> at that point. You need to mask nvidia and nouveau both in the initramfs
> and once the system is booted.
> Change rd.blacklist to modprobe.blacklist, and regenerate your GRUB config.
> On 03/11/17 15:54, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> On 11 March 2017 at 21:26, wiwitop wiwitop wrote:
>>> Hi. You should try with the real ids of your gpu. The trick didn't
>>> work with my AMD GPU, perhaps it's the same for you.
>> I'm not sure what you mean by "real ids". How is this different from
>> what I'm doing?
> Specify the PCI IDs (vendor and product) as they appear in lspci -nn,
> not with the really long string (replacing with the correct product
> numbers for your card, of course):
> options vfio-pci ids=10de:abcd,10de:1234
> Then be sure to regenerate your initramfs.
Well, I did all that but no joy. To be exact:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="modprobe.blacklist=nvidia modprobe.blacklist=nouveau
rd.blacklist=nvidia rd.blacklist=nouveau intel_iommu=on iommu=pt
rd.driver.pre=vfio-pci vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 $([ -x
/usr/sbin/rhcrashkernel-param ] && /u
sr/sbin/rhcrashkernel-param || :) rhgb quiet
resume=UUID=1431e6d2-531e-46cd-8633-1cf878c6b2a1" audit=0

$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf  (renamed from local.conf)
options vfio-pci ids=10de:0f00,10de:0bea
$ cat /etc/dracut.conf.d/local.conf
force_drivers+="vfio vfio_iommu_type1 vfio_pci vfio_virqfd"
(the man page says force_drivers will preload these, rather than the
add_drivers command which just appends them; at least that's how I read it).

and of course 'dracut -f --kver `uname -r`' and 'grub2-mkconfig -o

After the reboot menu the DVI output (from the Nvidia card) has a signal
but no content after the initial booting messages, while the HDMI output
(internal GPU) has no signal.

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