Le 07/02/17 à 18:00, vfio-users-requ...@redhat.com a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I had a qemu / libvirtd installation with Windows 7 as guest that worked
> with my old graphic card but not that I have changed it didn't work anymore.
> I first tried to install my desktop again, so I installed Archlinux to
> be sure to have a qemu and libvirtd enough recent (I was on Debian Jessie).
> I tried the next things:
> - Hide KVM with <hidden state='on' />
> - Remove all that concern hyperv
> - Rename the vendor_id with <vendor_id state='on' value='none'/>
> In case the use of a displayer like QXL would be a problem I try without
> it too and nothing worked.
> So, I come to ask advice, maybe I missed something. Maybe there is a
> proper way with precise order.
> If you need that I begin a new installation of Windows 7 or same of the
> complete part of qemu / libvirtd..
> I'm open to all suggestions because I don't have ideas anymore.
Finally I made it work.
I recreate a VM with UEFI for the bios and use <hdden state='on/>.
At the end I had some hdmi audio problem, activate MSI Interrupts with
from the register fix it.
> Thanks for your help.
> Jonathan

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