Running arch, I am having a windows XP guest, to which I am passing
through a PCIe Parallel Card, that again talks to a device that
unfortunately is very picky about interrupts and more so the interrupt
setting within Windows XP for that parallel port.
For a short explanation: Windows XP offers 3 ways to operate the
parallel port:
"never use an interrupt"
"try not to use an interrupt"
"Use any interrupt assigned to that port"
My device requires the last option, otherwise communication does simply
not work, albeit the device itself is detected. So it seems, that
whatever setting I choose within windows xp, it is now ignored and does
not make any difference any more.
However, it used to work perfectly fine up to Kernel 4.5. or 4.6, I do
not remember exactly, but does not work any more with 4.8. Skipped 4.7
for sure.
Booting into the 4.4-lts kernel makes things work as expected, booting
into 4.8.x and communication is broken again. Can be repeated at will
with consistently the same results and holds true now for several
incarnations of the 4.8 kernel the archlinux team has provided so far.
Now I am wondering: Is there any compelling configuration change that I
am not aware of or is this simply a bug? And if, is this related to vfio
or other parts of the kernel and this the wrong place?
Thanks for any help
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