I have only seen this once.
The vm was idle, with keyboard and mouse detached from it. (I use
virtmanager's SDL window for input capturing)

I was doing some usb flash data transferring on the host, involving
repeated usb  connect-disconnect, as you can see in dmesg.
Also, my usb mouse seems to be feeling shy, as it disconnects and
reconnects every couple of minutes sometimes, that can also be seen in

I've had experienced kernel oopses in the past, when i've had fedora 23
with a rather old kernel installed. But they usually were related to a
not-so-lucky ovmf build, since simply updating that package instantly fixed
the problem.
However, that happened rarely and the VM usually crashed at startup.

Here, as you can see in dmesg, the VM was started a long time ago, note the
"zapping shadow pages" message.
On Dec 23, 2016 1:19 AM, "Alex Williamson" <alex.william...@redhat.com>

> On Fri, 23 Dec 2016 00:11:42 +0300
> Blank Field <ihatethisfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Alright, i know my machine has a lot of dodgy constructions, but that
> > was something new.
> > The VM just froze, libvirtd just froze and became <defunct>. Had to
> > kill -9 libvirtd after killing qemu, and then the VM has started again
> > successfully.
> >
> > dmesg(last):
> > https://paste.fedoraproject.org/511253/44033414/
> > dmesg(full):
> > https://paste.fedoraproject.org/511258/82440540/
> > some hardware info:
> > https://paste.fedoraproject.org/511255/24404741/
> > domain xml:
> > https://paste.fedoraproject.org/511256/24404831/
> > software versions:
> > https://paste.fedoraproject.org/511262/48244099/
> >
> > I think reporting a kernel BUG(or was it a hardware fault?) is important.
> Were you doing anything particular at the time, starting a VM, stopping
> a VM, adding/removing devices?  Have you only seen this once?  Thanks,
> Alex
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