On Sat, 10 Dec 2016 02:07:43 +0100
Manuel Ullmann <ullman.al...@posteo.de> wrote:

> qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu host\
>                    -usb\
>                    -machine type=pc,accel=kvm\
>                    -enable-kvm\
>                    -vga none\
>                    -nographic\
>                    -display none\
>                    -nodefconfig\
>                    -display none\
>                    -boot once=d\
>                    -bios /usr/share/qemu/bios.bin\
>                    -m 2G\
>                    -drive
> file=/dev/genhd/ReactOS,cache=none,if=virtio,format=raw,index=0\
>                    -drive
> file=/mnt/platz/Betriebssystemabbilder/virtio-win-0.1.118.iso,media=cdrom,index=2\
>                    -smb /mnt/platz/QemuShare\
>                    # headphone DAC
>                    -usbdevice host:1019:0011\
>                    # mouse
>                    -usbdevice host:046d:c246\
>                    -device
> vfio-pci,host=00:02.0,addr=02.0,bus=pci.0,x-vga=on,romfile=/mnt/platz/Bugs/intelBios/intelHaswell.rom\

The ROM is always suspect, where did you get it?  Why are you passing
one rather than letting QEMU get it?  The typical case for IGD ROMs
acquired through the rom file in sysfs is that the device ID does not
match and the checksum is off.  Either of these will prevent SeaBIOS
from using it.  QEMU will fix both of these automatically when it loads
the ROM itself.  If passing a romfile, you need to fix those in
advance.  Adding a serial console will generally give you SeaBIOS
logging.  Thanks,


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