Are you sure you’ve pasted the right thing? I can see something that looks 
somewhat like a script, not like an XML file at all.

Use pastebin or
> On 21 Nov 2016, at 19:13, Zachary Boley <> wrote:
> <> woops sorry 
> about that
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Dawid Osuchowski < 
> <>> wrote:
> Well, you didn’t attach or linked anything.
>> On 21 Nov 2016, at 19:00, Zachary Boley < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> ahh sorry didnt know, dont do mailing lists often.
>> heres the current xml with the /opt/gtx.rom in devices
>>  <>
>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Dawid Osuchowski < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Paste your virsh XML somewhere and paste a link to that here, also when you 
>> reply on a mailing list, click “Reply to All” or equivalent of that, because 
>> you are responding directly to me and not to the list itself aswell.
>>> On 21 Nov 2016, at 18:52, Zachary Boley < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> yes and after the dd it did work and verifies as a uefi rom, problem is no 
>>> matter where i put it virt-manager/qemu errors out and says it cant find it 
>>> (even when i verified that its there and chowned it) no idea why its not 
>>> finding it. Also doesnt let me put in that boot order 1 command
>>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Dawid Osuchowski 
>>> < <>> wrote:
>>> You can put it anywhere you want, really. It was just a suggestion, did you 
>>> run EfiRom -d on it though?
>>>> On 21 Nov 2016, at 13:00, Zachary Boley < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Its not allowing it to load, had to do rom file instead of rom bar and now 
>>>> its saying it cant find the file even though i've verified that its in 
>>>> that directory and i've even chowned it to qemu and whoever but still 
>>>> didnt work. I put it in the same area as the first pci device in the 
>>>> previous emails
>>>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 5:49 AM, Zachary Boley < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> alright the dd stripe command worked, but it errors out when i put it 
>>>> around the area you told me to put it in somewhere in hostdev and it says 
>>>> its an unsupported configuration
>>>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 3:51 AM, Dawid Osuchowski 
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>> Rename it to .rom, then run EfiRom -d romname.rom, if it says that the 
>>>> file isn't rom, then run my command. If it says it's a rom file and it has 
>>>> efi headers, then supply it into VM with the xml i've written in my 
>>>> previous mails.
>>>> On 11/21/2016 06:27 AM, Zachary Boley wrote:
>>>>> Alright i think i found it here 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> i unrar'd it and now its just a .310, do i need to do the dd thing you 
>>>>> said or just rename it to .rom
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 10:45 PM, Zachary Boley < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Alright i emailed MSI a support ticket to which they havent gotten back 
>>>>> to me with, even when they responded so quickly, seems they just kinda 
>>>>> left it at that
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 5:15 AM, Dawid Osuchowski 
>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, although they also call it UEFI GOP so don't be scared if you see 
>>>>> only that one and not UEFI ROM phrase, it's the same. When you get that, 
>>>>> check the file with the EfiRom tool as prescribed before, if it will say 
>>>>> that this isn't a proper rom file, strip it using the dd command i've 
>>>>> pasted in my previous emails.
>>>>> On 11/20/2016 01:55 AM, Zachary Boley wrote:
>>>>>> I started to assume it was the uefi thing as i saw that my GPU doesnt 
>>>>>> have a uefi rom so I'll try to get a uefi rom, so i just need to google 
>>>>>> "MSI Geforce GTX 650 TI BOOST uefi rom"? and then load it how you say i 
>>>>>> should?
>>>>>> On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Dawid Osuchowski 
>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Well. If it works for you, it doesn't matter what method you have used. 
>>>>>> For me, ROM's from that site didn't have UEFI at all, at least it wasn't 
>>>>>> working with my VM, so i've went onto my card's vendor (MSI) forum and 
>>>>>> looked up threads where they ask for UEFI ROMs, striped it and it works 
>>>>>> like a charm now.
>>>>>> On 11/19/2016 07:15 PM, Thomas Mashos wrote:
>>>>>>> I did read your previous email and I tried that, it didn't work for me. 
>>>>>>> However, it's possible that I didn't have the right rom file the first 
>>>>>>> time. The one I had tried loading via the XML file I had gotten by 
>>>>>>> googleing as you had suggested. The one I flashed I got after doing a 
>>>>>>> card lookup on this site 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 10:10 AM Dawid Osuchowski 
>>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> You didn't have to flash the rom onto the card, you could just supply 
>>>>>>> it to the VM with the following XML, check my previous mail:
>>>>>>> <rom bar='on' file='/opt/GTX760.rom'/>
>>>>>>> One thing i've forgotten to add, that the vendors tell people to flash 
>>>>>>> their cards with this command:
>>>>>>> nvflash
>>>>>>> But you do not need to do that at all!
>>>>>>> I've ran EfiRom -d on the rom file and it said that the file is not a 
>>>>>>> rom file. The thing that worked for me was striping the rom and 
>>>>>>> skipping some of the first bytes with this command:
>>>>>>> dd if=NV287MH.2K0 of=strip.rom bs=1 skip=1536
>>>>>>> Then supplied it into VM and it started working properly :)
>>>>>>> On 11/19/2016 07:02 PM, Thomas Mashos wrote:
>>>>>>>> I just wanted to reply here because I've been fighting the exact same 
>>>>>>>> issue for a similiar period of time and have tried many different 
>>>>>>>> things (see my thread titled 'Another Nvidia code 43 error) and this 
>>>>>>>> thread ended up helping me resolve the issue.
>>>>>>>> I didn't have UEFI on my card (says GPU-Z) and couldn't get the rom to 
>>>>>>>> load via the XML file, so I ended up flashing the UEFI rom to my GTX 
>>>>>>>> 760 and after rebooting the host and starting the VM, it now works.  
>>>>>>>> Here's my current XML file, although I plan to try and back out some 
>>>>>>>> of the changes I've made 
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 3:20 AM Dawid Osuchowski 
>>>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It seems like you might have the same problem i have had with Error 
>>>>>>>> 43. For using passthrough with OVMF, your GPU needs to have a UEFI 
>>>>>>>> compatible ROM, either on the card itself or supplied to the VM using:
>>>>>>>> <rom bar='on' file='/opt/GTX650.rom'/>
>>>>>>>> It should be used like this
>>>>>>>> <devices>
>>>>>>>>   <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
>>>>>>>>     <source>
>>>>>>>>       <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x06' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
>>>>>>>>     </source>
>>>>>>>>     <boot order='1'/>
>>>>>>>>     <rom bar='on' file='/opt/GTX650.rom'/>
>>>>>>>>   </hostdev>
>>>>>>>> </devices>
>>>>>>>> You need to check whether your ROM supports UEFI or not. Look up this 
>>>>>>>> blog post by Alex Williamson on how to do that 
>>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>>>  but instead of using his utility (which for me said that the rom is 
>>>>>>>> UEFI compatible, while it was not) use:
>>>>>>>> EfiRom -d
>>>>>>>> It comes with 'edk2' package in Fedora.
>>>>>>>> If you cannot extract the ROM file from your card (it was the same for 
>>>>>>>> me) then go into google and search for something like "(vendor e.g. 
>>>>>>>> MSI) GTX 650 TI BOOST uefi rom". If you cannot find anything with 
>>>>>>>> that, then go to a forum of the vendor of your card and ask them to 
>>>>>>>> supply it to you.
>>>>>>>>  On 11/19/2016 06:01 AM, Zachary Boley wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I've been at this for almost 2 weeks and im on the final steps, Error 
>>>>>>>>> 43 and no matter what i do its always detected as a vm. I was 
>>>>>>>>> referred to come here from the vfio subreddit. here are my 
>>>>>>>>> specs/versions
>>>>>>>>> Compiled against library: libvirt 2.2.0
>>>>>>>>> Using library: libvirt 2.2.0
>>>>>>>>> Using API: QEMU 2.2.0
>>>>>>>>> Running hypervisor: QEMU 2.7.0
>>>>>>>>> Windows 10 64bit
>>>>>>>>> 2x Xeon 5540s @ 2.5
>>>>>>>>> 48GB DDR3 ECC
>>>>>>>>> GTX 650 TI BOOST
>>>>>>>>> Fedora 24 Server 4.8.6 
>>>>>>>>> to prove IOMMU is enabled 
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> VFIO-PCI details 
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> passthrough VM xml: 
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> libvirt conf: 
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> qemu.conf: 
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> thread with my attempts 
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> I have even used the OVMF git pure efi image  to see if there was a 
>>>>>>>>> difference but it doesnt seem to be helping. I have tried both 
>>>>>>>>> attempts on Q35 and 440fx and nothing to be gotten out of it. I'm 
>>>>>>>>> very lost on this and i have no clue whats going on. Not sure if this 
>>>>>>>>> is the place for such requests but im lost
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