Actually with OVMF (rather than legacy BIOS and VGA) this should "just" work, assuming the card reset is working properly . It is not for most AMD cards, but for nVidia it should. The small complication here is that some guest OS-es do not allow straightforward installation on OVMF (eg Windows 7 and some Linux distributions, from my experience)


From: Ivan Dimitrov
Sent: Monday, 7 November 2016 09:34
To: matt.jk3
Subject: Re: [vfio-users] AMD and NVIDIA cards for QEMU PCI passthrough


It might work but in my experience the device release from the VM is very iffy. 
Also most of the guides I have checked recommend to blacklist the guest VGA from the host. 
So practically speaking you can not use the guest card.  

With Best Regards,
Ivan Dimitrov

On 5 November 2016 at 16:34, matt.jk3 <> wrote:

I'm preparing to setup my first Linux system running a VM with near native performance.
My CPU doesn't have an integrated GPU so I bought AMD for use with the host system and I'd like to use NVIDIA card on the guest. My question is: can I use NVIDIA on the "host" when I'm not running the VM?
NVIDIA is my main card and I'd prefer if AMD took over only when I'm passing the other to the VM.

Best Regards

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