On Sat, 2016-10-22 at 17:54 +0000, Philip Abernethy wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> as far as I'm aware the ACS patch is part of the mainline kernel since 4.7. 
> I'm currently running a VM that requires
> ACS in its current configuration and I'm just using the linux package from 
> the Arch repos.
> Philip

My system absolutely needs the ACS override patch in order for this to all 
work. If not, all my video devices are lumped
into one group, which is what the patch allowed me to fix. Until there's a 
4.8.x patch available, I'm stuck using 4.7.x.
Since I'm not very knowledgeable on the kernel's code or how any of this works 
at the kernel level, I am unable of
creating a patch for it myself.

The question still stands. Is there a patch available for the 4.8.x series and 
if not, is there any plans of making one
or do I need new hardware (or start using LTS kernels)?

Mark Weiman

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