Sure you put config in the right place? Because depending on how kernel modules are compiled config go to different places.
Sent from my Samsung device -------- Original message -------- From: Andrei Grigore <> Date: 10/8/16 16:14 (GMT+02:00) To: Rokas Kupstys <> Cc: vfio-users <>, Jayme Howard <> Subject: Re: [vfio-users] Significant FPS drop with AMD and GTX970 Just tried. No improvement. On Oct 8, 2016 14:43, "Rokas Kupstys" <> wrote: See first post. See if you need ignore_msrs or allow_unsafe_interrupts. I had similar issue with and board and some module options fixed it I think. Sent from my Samsung device -------- Original message -------- From: Andrei Grigore <> Date: 10/8/16 10:49 (GMT+02:00) To: Jayme Howard <> Cc: vfio-users <> Subject: Re: [vfio-users] Significant FPS drop with AMD and GTX970 Unfortunately, that didn't help. Thanks for the sugestion though! On Oct 8, 2016 03:06, "Jayme Howard" <> wrote: Check to see if you have MSI enabled. That'd be my bet. Alex had a blog post that covered it, but I don't have the link handy. On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 6:39 PM, Andrei Grigore <> wrote: Hi all, I was wondering if anyone is experiencing this and if there is a known fix for it. I am using ArchLinux with latest stable Kernel, qemu and libvirt. My CPU is FX-8230 with a GTX 970. I've passed thorugh the GPU to a Win10 guest. In WoW on bare metal i get 90 fps and in the same area with the same graphic settings on the VM i get around 50. There seems to be no cpu and or ram bottlenet and the GPU seems to be quite gully used since the fans are starting to spin quite soon. Can anyone help here with a suggestion? I saw reports with about 3% performance drop, but I am experiencing a lot more. Thanks! Andrei. _______________________________________________ vfio-users mailing list
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