On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Thomas Lindroth <thomas.lindr...@gmail.com>

> The linux desktop have an annoying habit of moving all windows around
> when the virtual desktop size change and keep the new position when
> the size change back. I eventually created those scripts to move my
> regular programs to hardcoded locations. Perhaps one day we will have
> windows manager that won't fuck up the desktop every time a monitor is
> hotplugged but until then I use those scripts.

I've been living with this annoyance for so long. Thought it was just me,
but I didn't want to dig in to find a solution.

These scripts are great, if only to be tagged for looking into later. I
didn't even know it was possible to find windows and reposition them with a
CLI tool.
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