If you don't mind spending a few dollars, what I did was basically buy
a PCIe USB port card, then give it exclusive control of the device to
the guest. I can't use it in the host, but I have other USB ports for
the host, so no biggie.

On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 4:07 PM, Rokas Kupstys <rok...@zoho.com> wrote:
> Is it possible to pass-through USB port? I know we can pass-through
> specific usb devices or entire usb controllers however it is not ideal
> in all cases. For instance in my case single pci device drives all usb
> ports on the back panel. Naturally i cant pass-through that pci device
> because it would leave me without access to the host. Passing through
> USB devices is of little use if one wishes to use kvm switch -
> mouse/keyboard switched to another port would still have same
> vendor/device ids. Is there any solution to this?
> --
> Rokas Kupstys
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