Thanks for reply. Since i am making a new build i am looking for proper
motherboard. One i sided with is from asus, but it seems asus
motherboards do not support switching primary GPU. I might go with
gigabyte if there is no way to solve this. I am not sure yet though.
Switching primary gpu in bios is ultimate solution. Directions i
provided in earlier mail are workaround for people who do not have such
capability. It is a tricky choice.. Go with beloved asus and suffer
minor inconvenience or go with gigabyte.. Did you have any problems with
gigabyte motherboard(s)?

Rokas Kupstys

On 2016.08.05 14:44, Hristo Iliev wrote:
> Am 05.08.2016 10:22, schrieb Rokas Kupstys:
>> Okay this is unexpected luck. After more tinkering i got it to work!
>> Here is my setup:
>> * AMD FX-8350 CPU + Sabertooth 990FX R2 motherboard
>> * 0000:01:00.0 - gpu in first slot
>> * 0000:06:00.0 - gpu in third slot
>> * UEFI on host and guest.
>> * Archlinux
>> In order to make host use non-boot GPU:
>> 1. Add Kernel boot parameter "video=efifb:off". This makes kernel not
>> use first gpu and boot messages appear on second gpu.
>> 2. Bind first gpu (0000:01:00.0) to vfio-pci driver. I did this by
>> adding line
>>> options vfio-pci         ids=1002:677B,1002:AA98
>> to /etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf. They are obtained from "lspci -n" which
>> in my case show:
>>> 01:00.0 0300: 1002:677B
>>> 01:00.1 0403: 1002:AA98
>> 3. Configure xorg to use second gpu (0000:06:00.0). I added file
>> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/secondary-gpu.conf with contents:
>>> Section "Device"
>>> Identifier     "Device0"
>>> Driver         "radeon"
>>> VendorName     "AMD Corporation"
>>> BoardName      "AMD Secondary"
>>> BusID          "PCI:6:0:0"
>>> EndSection
>> And thats it! Now when machine boots it shows POST messages and
>> bootloader on first gpu, but as soon as boot option is selected
>> display goes blank and kernel boot messages show on second gpu. After
>> boot you can assign first gpu to VM as usual and it works.
>> HELP REQUEST: could someone with intel hardware (ideally x99 chipset)
>> test this method? I am planning a build and if this works i could
>> settle with 28 lane cpu and save couple hundred dollars. Intel's 40
>> lane cpus are way overpriced.. And with 28 lane cpus only first slot
>> can run at x16 speed while other slots downgrade to x8 or less.
>> Anyhow i would love to hear if this works on intel hardware.
> Hi,
> I have a Gigabyte GA-X99-UD4 motherboard and i7-5820K. There are two GPUs
> in it - a GTX 970 for pass-through on 03:00.0 and a GT 730 as primary GPU
> on 06:00.0. The PCIE slot of the GT is selected as primary video output
> in the UEFI settings. All text and graphics output goes to it - the
> output
> of the GTX card remains off the entire time until the VM is booted. The X
> server does see both cards but since the nvidia module is prevented from
> binding to the GTX, X cannot use it and starts on the GT. No fiddling
> with
> the console driver parameters necessary.
> Distribution:
>    Arch Linux, 4.6.4-1-ARCH
> Kernel parameters:
>    ... pci-stub.ids=10de:13c2,10de:0fbb,8086:8d20 nvidia-drm.modeset=1
> ...
> /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf:
>    options vfio-pci ids=10de:13c2,10de:0fbb,8086:8d20
> /etc/mkinitcpio.conf:
>    ...
>    MODULES="vfio vfio_iommu_type1 vfio_pci vfio_virqfd vfat aes_x86_64
> crc32c_intel nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm"
>    ...
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf:
>    Section "Device"
>     Identifier                "Device0"
>     Driver                    "nvidia"
>     VendorName                "NVIDIA Corporation"
>     Option "ConnectToAcpid"   "0"
>    EndSection
> The only problem with my setup is that the GTX is in PCIE_2, which works
> as x8 with i7-5820K installed. I cannot fit the card in PCIE_1 because of
> the oversized CPU cooler. This doesn't actually bug me at all as multiple
> tests (for example, [1]) have shown negligible difference in gaming FPS
> between PCI-e 3.0 x8 and x16. The GT card is in PCIE_4.
> Kind regards,
> Hristo
> [1]
>> Rokas Kupstys
>> On 2016.08.05 10:34, Rokas Kupstys wrote:
>> I think i got half-way there.. My primary gpu is at 0000:01:00.0 and
>> secondary on 0000:06:00.0. I used following xorg config:
>> Section "Device"
>> Identifier     "Device0"
>> Driver         "radeon"
>> VendorName     "AMD Corporation"
>> BoardName      "AMD Secondary"
>> BusID          "PCI:6:0:0"
>> EndSection
>> After booting 0000:06:00.0 was still bound to vfio-pci (im yet to sort
>> it out why as i removed modprobe configs and kernel parameters) and i
>> ran following script to bind gpu to correct driver:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> unbind() {
>> dev=$1
>> if [ -e /sys/bus/pci/devices/${dev}/driver ]; then
>> echo "${dev}" > /sys/bus/pci/devices/${dev}/driver/unbind
>> while [ -e /sys/bus/pci/devices/${dev}/driver ]; do
>> sleep 0.1
>> done
>> fi
>> }
>> bind() {
>> dev=$1
>> driver=$2
>> vendor=$(cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/${dev}/vendor)
>> device=$(cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/${dev}/device)
>> echo "${vendor} ${device}" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/${driver}/new_id
>> echo "$dev" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/${driver}/bind
>> }
>> unbind "0000:06:00.0"
>> bind "0000:06:00.0" "radeon"
>> #unbind "0000:01:00.0"
>> After restarting sddm.service (display manager) i could switch to
>> secondary gpu and log in to desktop. All worked. Problem is i can not
>> unbind 0000:01:00.0 so i could pass-through it. Attempt to unbind driver
>> resulted in display freezing. Even secondary gpu froze.
>> Rokas Kupstys
>> On 2016.08.05 04:55, Nicolas Roy-Renaud wrote:
>> That's something you should fix in the BIOS. The boot GPU is special
>> because the motherboard has to use it to display things such as POST
>> messages and such, so it's already "tainted" by the time the kernel
>> gets a hold of it. I had to put my guest GPU on my motherboard's
>> second PCI slot because of that (can't change the boot GPU in the BIOS
>> settings), which is pretty unconveinient because it blocks access to
>> most of my sata ports.
>> If there's a way to cleanly pass the boot GPU to a VM, I don't know
>> about it. I'd be interested to know too, however.
>> - Nicolas
>> On 2016-08-04 13:59, Rokas Kupstys wrote:
>> Hey is it possible to make kernel use GPU other than one that is in
>> first slot? If so - how?
>> I have multiple PCIe slots but only first can run at max speed so i
>> would like to use it for VGA passthrough. However if i put powerful GPU
>> into the first slot - linux boots using that GPU. I would like to make
>> kernel use GPU in slot 3. So result should be bios and bootloader
>> running on gpu in slot #1, but kernel should use gpu in slot #3. I tried
>> binding first gpu to vfio-pci driver hoping kernel would use next
>> available gpu. That did not work, i could see one line with systemd
>> version in low-res console (normally its high-res). I also tryed
>> fbcon=map:1234 (not exactly being sure what im doing) but that yielded
>> black screen. Not sure what else i could try.
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