
I think i found an issue when i want to validate and exit the .xml's
configuration with virsh edit.
I noticed that if I have a path with accent in the xml file, it's unable to
valide the modication.

On Virt-Manager, when i choose the Iso file, i have not complain about the
path when i begin the installation. The path is this :

> home/odelpasso/Téléchargements/ISO_Windows/Win10_1511_2_N_French_x64.iso

After the installation, when i want to delete the hyper-v line for my
Nvidia and if i keep this line :

>       <source
> file='/home/odelpasso/Téléchargements/ISO_Windows/Win10_1511_2_N_French_x64.iso'/>

I have this error when i want to validate :

> error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate
> doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
> Extra element devices in interleave
> Element domain failed to validate content
> Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]:

Delete the CDROM device on Virt-Manager resolv the issue. It's not a big
issue but for a newbie like me, l lost more minutes to find where come from
the problem.

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