On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 3:20 AM, Leonhard Preis <leonh...@pre.is> wrote:

> Graphics card firmware and UEFI
> ===============================
> This brings me to the first obstacle I encountered: Your graphics card’s
> bios/firmware needs to support UEFI, too. To my complete surprise and only
> after hours of tinkering I found out that my Sapphire R9 290X Tri-X OC does
> *not* support UEFI, at least not the version[2] I have. Luckily there’s an
> UEFI-enabled firmware version[3] for this very same card which works
> perfectly - for me. Be advised that I read posts that some cards may fail
> to work with it and in fact may be bricked if you flash this version,
> voiding your warranty. If you still do it it’s of course at your own risk -
> I’m just sharing my story :-).

Reminder, there's a romfile= option for QEMU pci devices, including
vfio-pci, and matching <rom file="/path/to/rom"/> element for xml that
allows using a ROM file image separate from the device, so I'm not sure why
you'd risk flashing it to the card.
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