Hi Ryan,

ok now im confused:

my understanding was i need a SR0KX version of the E5-2670, cause the SR0H8 hast microcode issues regarding vtd. so far so good. i thought SR0KX = E5-2670 v3 and needs a R3 socket - but you say i might be wrong here?

unfortunatly the ark doesnt show the exact socket you need, they only mention the steppings on the right side of the page:


Am 13.05.2016 17:59, schrieb Ryan Flagler:
i personally haven't had issues with my SuperMicro board. The biggest
issues have been related to AMD/nVidia specific issues. The asrock
motherboard you linked is not compatible wit hthe E5-2670 cpu though.
The one you linked is a Socket R3, you need Socket R for the

On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 10:28 AM Tobias Geiger
<tobias.gei...@vido.info> wrote:


great suggestions - thanks so far!

Seems i have the choice between
- this really good price/value E5-2670 Dual Xeon and this board:

(the Supermicro one is at least here in Germany much more expensive
and the Asrock has more SATA3 Ports... - do you see any difficulties
comparison with the Supermicroboard you mentioned?)

-  i7-6700K Intel Skylake with a board like this :
https://www.asus.com/de/Motherboards/Q170M-C/specifications/ (Q
should ensure VTD funcionality i hope!)

so basicaly the choice between 16 cores with the dual xeon but with
max of 3.3Ghz - or 4 cores "only" with the Skylake i7 but 4.2Ghz...
puh. hard one. games rarly scale well on multiple cpus, but OTOH
is/will be changing with time and newer games... but a rapid
single-core-performance is always handy for the tasks that are not

now im really stuck in my descision-finding-process :)
i'll think about it for the weekend

if you see any omg-dont-buy-that-it-wont-work issues - please tell

Thanks and Greetings

Am 12.05.2016 17:23, schrieb Ryan Flagler:
Yep, that's the one. Dirt cheap! I was able to snag a used
X9DR7-LN4F dual-socket motherboard and threw 2 of them in there. I
don't have much of an issue giving my VMs enough CPU. :) ECC DDR3
Registered memory is relatively cheap on ebay too.

On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 10:21 AM Alex Williamson
<alex.l.william...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 9:14 AM, Ryan Flagler
<ryan.flag...@gmail.com> wrote:

I know Alex has recommended the E5 series
for the best compatibility. There are 2 versions of motherboards
that support that right now. Socket R and Socket R3. Obviously
series processors are not very affordable brand new; however,
market is currently flooded with server pulled E5-2670 CPUs.
can be easily found for $60 on ebay. These CPUs work on Socket R
motherboards. Additionally, these motherboards will still
DDR3 memory which is cheaper to acquire than DDR4 as well.

That's where I'd start if I was you. Obviously there could
be issues with 1 manufacturer to another, but hopefully that's a
starting place.

Nice tip!  You're referring to Sandy-Bridge EP, right?


8-core, hmmm that's tempting.

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