On 2016-05-09 13:13, Okky Hendriansyah wrote:

Hi Nicolas,

Appreciate your work on this.
I appreciate all the help I can get. :) Besides, the wiki article was in dire need of rewriting, alongside the fact that it looked like the go-to source of information for newcomers.
1.) Avoid transparent hugepages and enable explicit hugepages (hugepages size variance 2 MB, 1 GB)
That one is definitely next on my list; I'm still reading the Redhat doc <https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Virtualization_Tuning_and_Optimization_Guide/sect-Virtualization_Tuning_Optimization_Guide-Memory-Tuning.html#sect-Virtualization_Tuning_Optimization_Guide-Memory-Huge_Pages> on that topic and trying to figure out what reccomendations I should make.
2.) Kernel configuration to improve performance like 1000 Hz clock resolution, Voluntary Preemptible Kernel, halt_poll_ns
I've seen halt_poll_ns mentionned a few times but that's all I know. If you could elaborate on those, I wouldn't mind including them.
3.) How to passthrough host primary GPU (if possible, :) )
I've stuggled with that issue myself a lot until I gave up and ended up switching my guest GPU to a secondary slot. I'm still not even sure what counts as "host primary", is it the boot_vga?
4.) CPU family that should be use if you want to avoid ACS patches [1]
I'll probably mention that when I get around writing an actual section on the ACS override patch, but thanks for reminding me.
5.) APIC-V vs Hyper-V VAPIC on recent Intel CPU
I had already started to look into this, and from what I've managed to find, APIC-V is another one of those technologies found in higher-end E5 Intel CPUs, alongside NUMA nodes allocation and actual ACS isolation. Considering how few people it would affect, I think it would be best left to another page dedicated to KVM or something, unless there's another way APIC can be optimized (I remember reading something about forcing Windows to use x2APIC).
6.) Issues on upgrading Windows 10, which is similar to your core2duo workaround [2][3]
Ah, thank you! I was trying to find who else said something about the core2duo CPU model solving some compatibility issues with Windows. I'll include those when I get time.

- Nicolas
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