On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 7:24 PM, Damon Namod <m...@damon.at> wrote:

> Hi Okky,
> thanks for you response!
> Passing the card to a Linux (Ubuntu 15.04) guest fails with the same
> message:
>         qemu-system-x86_64: vfio_dma_map(0x5613dc154610, 0xfeb90000,
> 0x2000, 0x7f7976a09000) = -14 (Bad address)
>         qemu: hardware error: vfio: DMA mapping failed, unable to continue
> The M1015 is already flashed to IT mode and I have disable bios boot
> support to circumvent the issue you described. I already switched the PCIe
> slot but the symptoms are the same. Actually it's an interesting thought
> that it might have something to do with the controller itself. Any more
> thoughts on this? Could be the Xeon E3-1200 and the laking ACS support be
> an issue (I don't think so though)? Could be a different machine type than
> `pc` help?
> I also tried the latest GIT version of `qemu-system-x86_64` but the error
> message remains the same. Is there any way to get some more details about
> the error? `dmesg` isn't much of a help as it doesn't contain any messages
> regarding my problem. The only error message I got is found inside
> `/var/log/libvirt/qemu/`...

I don't know what you've got going on here.  The closest thing I've got is

 02:00.0 Serial Attached SCSI controller [0107]: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic
SAS2308 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [1000:0086] (rev 05)

SeaBIOS isn't too fond of it with the ROM enabled (hangs for a while after
SeaBIOS version string[1]), but if I run it with rombar=0, it seems pretty
happy, certainly no mapping faults.

Can you try just a very simple VM, something like:

sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2G -net none -monitor stdio -serial
none -parallel none -vnc :1 -device vfio-pci,host=1:00.0,rombar=0 -S -cdrom

(or whatever ISO image you like that you can boot up and poke around in the
VM a bit)

This will start in paused mode to a (qemu) prompt on the terminal.  Use 'c'
to continue execution.  Connect VNC to display :1, minding firewalls if
you're connecting from another system.

What's the host kernel version?  Can you try something newer?  Thanks,


[1] Oh, it actually did boot eventually and executed the HBA option ROM,
just took a minute or two.
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