On 2016-05-05 15:19, thibaut noah wrote:
What do you mean by offline windows copy? This is a native windows 10
I boot it native all the time to do benchmarks and all, never had any issue
before the update.

I assume what you mean by boot drivers is virtio drivers?

"offline copy" as in the windows installation that you are not currently running.
dism cant be used on the currently running windows instance.
booting to recovery is enough, this recovery can be from a usb stick or install dvd or whatever you prefer.

dism /Image:C:\ /Add-Driver /Driver:X:\drivers\ /Recurse

assuming C:\ is the drive where the broken offline version is.
check drive letter, it might not be what you expect.

also, this is not really vfio specific things, so probably a bit offtopic.

and as i said before, all this will do is to add drivers, like those needed to find your boot device.

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