I have tried setting up things from your points with the same result.
During early boot vfio-pci shows to have bound to the GPU, but once the
OS has loaded lspci shows that nouveau took over. I regenerated all the
initramfs at every different try, this one included, as well as the grub
config file where applicable
On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 2:40 AM, Zycorax Tokoroa <zyco...@phoxden.xyz
<mailto:zyco...@phoxden.xyz>> wrote:
I seem to have troubles in getting vfio to work under ubuntu.
I have two discrete graphic cards, a GTX 970 (to be passed trough)
and a GTX 960 for the host. The GTX 960 is in the primary slot, and
is the card trough which I see grub and the early linux boot.
I am currently using kubuntu 16.04 with the following kernel parameters:
intel_iommu=on rd.modules-load=vfio-pci
I have tried using the driver_override mechanism as in Alex's blog
but it fails with the same result.
Hi Zycorax,
I have 3 NVIDIA GPUs installed in my host (GT 610 for the host, GT 730
for Mac OS X El Capitan guest, and GTX 980 Ti for Windows 10 guest), and
here are the things that I do:
1.) I put the vfio-pci ids and vfio-pci disable_vga=1 on the
2.) I put intel_iommu=on iommu=pt rd.modules-load=vfio-pci on the kernel
command line.
3.) Regenerate initramfs of the kernel everytime I make changes in
vfio-pci ids.
I found myself failed to bind devices to VFIO if I forgot to update
initramfs after changing vfio-pci ids in /etc/modprobe/vfio-pci.conf.
Have you tried updating your initramfs image?
Best regards,
Okky Hendriansyah
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