On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 5:33 PM, thibaut noah <thibaut.n...@gmail.com>

> So my cpl died last night, thus i cannot connect to my freebox and my
> local network (neither internet obviously).
> From what i understand of a bridge it should be possible to still have a
> connection between my host and my guest even though i don't have a cable
> plug in my ethernet card since it is a software bridge?
> I have a samba share on my zfs which contains all my datas and i want to
> be able to access them during the few days i will spend without connection
>  (i need some time to buy a new cpl).
> Apparently i would need to use static ip for this?
> I modify my netctl bridge file according to this though i don't understand
> everything.
> Seems my ip adress would be, what is the /24 for? and can i put
> just anything for the ip adress?
> This file is enough for my vm to boot with the bridge on though synergy
> fails to launch (cannot find a local network).
> I assume the ideal solution would be to create a virtual local network
> with my guest and host only though i don't know what will happen when the
> internet will come back.
> Description="Local bridge network"
> Interface=br-lan
> Connection=bridge
> BindsToInterfaces=(enp6s5)
> #IP=no
> IP=static
> IPCustom=('addr add dev br-lan brd +' )
> Address=('')
> DNS=('' '')

You need to define static IP for both the host and the guest. As long as
you setup the same netmask (/24) and the same subnet (10.0.0.x) between the
two, I think you can do fine. Have you installed libvirt? It is not
mandatory, but by default libvirt installs a bridged network profile in the
host (virbr0) that is contained to only between the host and the guests.
You can use that bridge if you do not have access to a router/DHCP server.

Best regards,

Okky Hendriansyah
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