On March 21, 2016 at 12:32:28, eric griffith (egriffit...@gmail.com) wrote:

> Details, Alex? What fun technology is enabling this? I didn't think
> something like this was currently / soon-to-be possible.
> On Mar 20, 2016 23:28, "Alex Williamson" <alex.l.william...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> It's coming.  If you have a Broadwell or newer CPU and intend to use only
>> Windows guests with IGD as the secondary graphics device VM, you can pretty
>> much do it now.  If you have anything older (I'm only intended to go back
>> as far as Sandybridge) or want to run a different guest or want to use IGD
>> as primary in the guest, you'll need host kernel changes that are coming in
>> v4.6, QEMU changes that may or may not make 2.6, and an updated SeaBIOS.
I think Alex was referring to Intel KVMGT [1].


Best regards,
Okky Hendriansyah
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