b) VM even if qemu runs as root is still more secure than running
software in your own session. More things need to be broken to get to
the host with virtualisation in place.

c) virt-manager can do almost all whats needed. Might need to edit xmls
by hand to switch it to uefi though. Or to add few flags not supported
by virt-manager, but as far as device assignment goes virt-manager does
handle it.

On 2016.02.26 23:09, Muted Bytes wrote:
> From my experience:
> I would consider usage stable for an average user, but I'm not sure
> about set-up for a non-technical user.
> a) In my specific case, I am forced to use Windows because a lot of
> simulation and computational tools are only available on that
> platform, but I chose to operate in a VM rather than baremetal. As a
> result, I have both memory and cpu intensive simulations running in
> the guest for days at a time, and idle for weeks/months (shutdown only
> for host maintenance etc). Have never had guest or host crash or
> freeze (even through guest restarts).
> b) I cannot provide comment, I am also running qemu as root. I intend
> to look at how to move away from root execution of qemu but haven't
> yet (virtsh makes this easier/possible from what I've read but haven't
> looked in detail).
> c) I am also still using qemu from command-line so cannot comment, but
> I have been watching progression of virtsh and virt-manager. I think
> it already is at/getting to that point.
> d) I am using synergy to switch between screens/share kb and mouse
> with guest. In my case, if the mouse is left on guest side, the guest
> can lock but synergy prevents the host from locking. The mouse needs
> to be on host side for me. Also, my guest and host lock independently,
> so I'm not sure if there is a way to synchronize this.
> Copy/paste generally works well with text in both directions, however
> there seem to be some issues with more recent versions of synergy
> upstream that makes the server portion to hang/crash that seems to be
> related to the copy buffer (though I'm not 100% sure this is the
> cause). I haven't encountered this in a while, so it has been
> intermittent in my case. One good thing about synergy is that you can
> set it up so that scroll lock key will lock the mouse/kb to one side
> (guest or host) if you plan to work or game in that environment for a
> long session, and don't want the mouse to accidentally switch context
> on the screen edge/boundary. This also makes fullscreen and FPS games
> playable in the guest without the mouse going nuts from losing
> relative position information.
> On Feb 25, 2016 22:59, "Daniel Pocock" <dan...@pocock.pro
> <mailto:dan...@pocock.pro>> wrote:
>     Is a passthrough VGA configuration currently considered stable and
>     secure for widespread use, for example, where non-technical users can
>     work productively with applications running this way in an office
>     environment?
>     Some specific things come to mind:
>     a) crashes: I've seen crashes mentioned in a few discussions, but are
>     there many people running it for days and weeks at a time without
>     crashes?  Are such issues specific to particular hardware and can they
>     be avoided by using hardware that is preferred/more heavily tested by
>     the developers?
>     b) security: in my testing so far, I just run the qemu command as
>     root.
>      To what extent can the use of root privileges be avoided?  I
>     realize a
>     VM is never 100% secure compared to a normal user session.
>     c) control: some of the blogs and wikis mention that tools like
>     virt-manager and virt-install don't fully cope with passthrough VGA
>     configuration, is that still up to date?  Can the user start and
>     manage
>     the VM using some GUI from their X desktop on their host display?
>     d) interaction between VM and host desktop: when the user locks
>     the host
>     display (screensaver), can this also lock the VM's passthrough
>     display,
>     or the user will always need to lock both?  How well does
>     something like
>     Synergy work across the displays, especially for things like
>     cut-and-paste?
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