On Wed, 2016-01-20 at 23:20 -0500, Stibnite wrote:
> I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of the "microsoft basic
> display adapter" in windows 10. Cpu-z and device manager both show my
> passthrough gpu and the microsoft display adaptor side by side. I
> seem to be using the display adaptor by default because I can't
> change the resolution nor can i run any games beyond 3 fps. 
> With virsh edit I've tried deleting the <video> and <sound> but they
> just reappear when i start virt-manager. 

You need to remove both the <video> and the <graphics> entries or
libvirt will "correct" your VM.

> Sorry if this is a dumb question, none of the turotials i've found
> detail how to go about actually getting windows to use your gpu over
> the emulated crap. 

This one does 

"Start with the machine details view in virt-manager and remove
everything we no longer need.  That includes the CDROM devices, the
tablet, the display, sound, serial, spice channel, video, virtio
serial, and USB redirectors."

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