Save xml to some location other than /etc/libvirt/.. and do all the
commenting/uncommenting there. virsh define /path/to/vm.xml to use
modified xml. You indeed are going the wrong direction. Even if libvirt
does not expose some functionality via xml it is also possible to pass
raw qemu flags. I needed it only for vga passtrhough, using efi firmware
thats no longer needed (although libvirt might expose -vga via xml now,
i dont know). Also unsure whats not working for you but even
virt-manager exposes functionality to pass entire pci devices to vm. Be
it sata or usb or whatever. If it is not working for you maybe correct
solution would be figuring out pci passthrough and not reverting to a

On 2015.12.04 22:18, thibaut noah wrote:
> Libvirt doesn't allow me to comment in and out things during vm runtime.
> Bash script is for me much more clearer than an xml file, since i'm
> almost done i might aswell finish it.
> 2015-12-04 21:08 GMT+01:00 Alex Williamson
> < <>>:
>     On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 12:53 PM, thibaut noah
>     < <>> wrote:
>         Being able to pass my 4to disk, my usb controller (required
>         for plug and play, also i want to be able to use my usb key on
>         win10 and not have glitchy audio with my usb headset), and
>         having a net bridge would be a huge step forward.
>         Also i don't have enough configuration possibilities with
>         virt-manager
>     libvirt xml is much more powerful than the features exposed
>     through virt-manager:
>     I'd suggest trying to do what you want through libvirt before
>     trying to re-invent the wheel.  This is what libvirt is meant to
>     do after all.
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