On 21.11.20 17:11, Richard F wrote:
Klaus  - thanks for your reply.   2 problems - the first is my own - I don't like all the rubbish shopping channels filling up my channel list and I sort it manually to keep the channels in a sensible order instead of the random order the broadcasters have ended up with - so I have the 'updatechannels' setting at 3 instead of 5.

Problem 2 is that VDR doesn't complete HD tuning - at least in first 30 mins or so, 
example here - I deleted BBC1HD & BBC2HD, set the update value to 5, restarted 
and let it retune. It added both back, but BBC1HD is saved like this after about 30 
mins (incomplete/nonworking):

BBC ONE HD:546000:G32M256P0Q16435S1T8X1:T:27500:0:0:0:0:17540:9018:16516:0

The right tuning values are:


Bit it did get BBC2HD right immediately - on the same multiplex.


The transponder data and the PIDs are broadcast in separate lists.
Maybe the PID list is parsed before the transponder list, and thus the
PIDs are missed for BBC ONE HD.

IIRC there were some changes in list parsing after version 2.2 (which I 
understand is
the version you have in use). Can you please try the latest version from 
to see whether this problem still persists?


After maybe an hour or so, it seems to update and get it right, so it may just be that I'm not waiting long enough for the HD channels to re-tune when doing this way, or maybe something to do with the first channel?  Nowadays I let the SD channels tune themselves the same way, and they are OK in a minute or 2.  My normal process is to set updatechannels to 5 to capture new stuff occasionally, then manually re-sort the new channels added, and reset to 3.

Appreciate your views.

On 20/11/2020 1:00 pm, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
I have several DVB-T2 channels in my list, for instance:

Das Erste 

If I delete "arte HD" it gets re-added automatically (after I switch to that 
transponder again):

Nov 20 13:55:33 vdr3 vdr: [26237] creating new channel 'arte HD,;BR' on T 
transponder 554 with id 8468-12291-770-0
Nov 20 13:55:34 vdr3 vdr: [26237] changing pids of channel 2096 (arte HD) from 
0+0=0:0:0:0 to 

Where exactly is the problem?


On 19.11.20 13:34, Richard F wrote:
I'm using DVB-T2 with a PC-TV 290E USB nanostick in UK. I'm also still on V2.20.

My notes on tuning confirm that "... this (setting VDR to find new transponders) 
doesn't seem to be able to config HD channels - can check TS-ID, ON-ID Srv-ID with Sony 

Basically I have to hand-edit the parameters taken off a normal HD TV, as also none of the 3rd party tuning tools seem to properly tune HD for me, and I've tried many of them and many versions and methods over the years. I once thought I had it working with w_scan, but no longer, results don't work, though w_scan does see the channels. Would be really good to fix ! Sadly I think most or all of these 3rd party tools are now effectively unmaintained.


On 18/11/2020 9:50 pm, prelude wrote:
Hello and thx for this great VDR software.

Could someone help me at the start as I cannot get dvb-t2 channels visible in 
If I add HD channels manually in channels.conf then VDR mark those as OBSOLETE. Yesterday I even clean my channels.conf totally and just left one channel on it and put in setup "add new transponders". In the morning all DVB-T channels were in channels.conf file but not any DVB-T2. tvheadend works fine also in HD channels but i just like so much more VDR user experience that i don't want to change it.

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