
On my vdr-box, I cannot watch some channels. For example when switching
to France 2, the image stutters and then freezes after some seconds. And
the audio output stops too.

I have 2 outputs with some messages:

1.) From stdout/stderr (only some samples, because there are a lot of lines):

ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decode
metronom: video jump by -23415 pts.
metronom: video jump by 72000 pts.
video_out_vdpau: b 0 c 128 s 128 h 0 [ITU-R 709 / HDTV]
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decode
video_out: throwing away image with pts 24396186 because it's too old (diff : 
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decode
metronom: video jump by -48960 pts.
video_out: throwing away image with pts 24358421 because it's too old (diff : 
ffmpeg_audio_dec: not enough data to decode
audio_out: flushed out 0 buffers.
ffmpeg_audio_dec: resetting parser
audio_out: ao_flush (loop running: 1)
set_speed 0.
video_out: new speed 0.
set_speed 1000000.
video_out: new speed 1000000.
audio_out: new speed 1000000.
audio_out: flushed out 0 buffers.
audio_out: flushed out 0 buffers.
ffmpeg_audio_dec: resetting parser
audio_out: ao_flush (loop running: 1)
metronom: prebuffer=14400 pts.
metronom: video discontinuity #78, type is 3, disc_off 0.
metronom: waiting for audio discontinuity #78...
ffmpeg_audio_dec: resetting parser
metronom: audio discontinuity #78, type is 3, disc_off 0.
metronom: vpts adjusted with prebuffer to 24818015.
metronom: prebuffer=2000 pts.
metronom: prebuffer=14400 pts.
video_out_vdpau: b 0 c 128 s 128 h 0 [ITU-R 470 BG / SDTV]
metronom: prebuffer=14400 pts.
set_speed 0.

2.) From syslog:

vdr[2239]: [2252] [vdr-fe]    Keypress: XKeySym Next
vdr[2239]: [2239] [xine..put] cXinelibOsd::CanHandleAreas(): Device does not 
support ARGB
vdr[2239]: [2239] switching to channel 39 T-8442-1-257 (France 2)
vdr[2239]: [2735] device 1 TS buffer thread ended (pid=2239, tid=2735)
vdr[2239]: [2734] buffer stats: 91932 (1%) used
vdr[2239]: [2734] device 1 receiver thread ended (pid=2239, tid=2734)
vdr[2239]: [2788] device 1 receiver thread started (pid=2239, tid=2788, 
vdr[2239]: [2789] device 1 TS buffer thread started (pid=2239, tid=2789, 
vdr[2239]: [2262] [demux_vdr] PMT changed, resetting demuxer
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264: Found NAL SPS at offset 6/156
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: profile_idc 100
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: pic_width:  120 mbs
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: pic_height: 34 mbs
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: frame only flag: 0
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: MBAFF
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: cropping 0 0 0 2
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: aspect_ratio_idc 1
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: -> aspect ratio 1 / 1
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: -> video size 1920x1080, aspect 1:1
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] Detected video size 1920x1080
vdr[2239]: [2262] [demux_vdr] audio stream changed: 00000000 -> 03410000
vdr[2239]: [2788] ERROR: 1 TS packet(s) not accepted in Transfer Mode
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264: Found NAL SPS at offset 6/156
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: profile_idc 100
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: pic_width:  120 mbs
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: pic_height: 34 mbs
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: frame only flag: 0
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: MBAFF
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: cropping 0 0 0 2
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: aspect_ratio_idc 1
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: -> aspect ratio 1 / 1
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] H.264 SPS: -> video size 1920x1080, aspect 1:1
vdr[2239]: [2788] [xine..put] Detected video size 1920x1080

What could I do please, do watch such channels?

Thanks in advance for any hints. Kind regards,

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