On 16.01.2018 19:44, Teemu Suikki wrote:
I just experienced weird problem. My hard drive became 100% full.
But I noticed that there are tons of .del directories, some dating
from months ago.. VDR hasn't removed them! What could cause this?
I see entries in log:
low disk space while recording, trying to remove a deleted recording...
Jan 16 08:23:06 puucee vdr: [30504] removing recording xxx.del
And these recordings ARE removed really. But the normal background
cleaning does not happen.
This is somehow related to the fact that I now have Plex Media Server
sitting on the VDR recordings directory. But still I could remove the
.del directories easily from the command line. After manually deleting
them, disk is now only 85% full.. And that's 4TB drive. :) So there
were quite a bit of .del directories.
Do you have anything going on that causes frequent "user ineraction" with
Try adding some debug output to RemoveDeletedRecordings() and maybe also to
cRemoveDeletedRecordingsThread::Action() (both in recording.c) to find out
what might be causing this.
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