> Out of curiosity, whats the ballpark average bitrate of your non-sports 1080p 
> content?

Following the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) guidelines there's no 1080p 
broadcast in Europe and will most propably not happen. The HD formats in Europe 
are 1280x720p50, 1440x1080i25 and 1920x1080i25. The majority of the european 
public service broadcasting institutions are using 720p50. The privat 
broadcasting stations are using one of the 1080i25 formats, a majority 
1920x1080i25. Bitrate on the 720p50 channels is up to 16Mbit/s but rarely below 
10Mbit/s. The range for the private 1080i25 channels is much wider, from real 
bad 8Mbit/s up to 20Mbit/s on some sports channels.

Thanks to Nvidias VDPAU capabilities there's no difference watching 720p or 
1080i, even 576i looks like HD.

=> https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/techreports/tr005.pdf

Stations & industries are working on 4k broadcasting, means 3840 × 2160i/p.


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