VDR developer version 2.1.2 is now available at


A 'diff' against the previous version is available at


MD5 checksums:

7732141a758c877ae849f699024ff080  vdr-2.1.2.tar.bz2
f36e3b66f0aee26dcb839044d0b7ab5d  vdr-2.1.1-2.1.2.diff


This is a *developer* version. Even though *I* use it in my productive
environment, I strongly recommend that you only use it under controlled
conditions and for testing and debugging.

The changes since version 2.1.1:

- Updated the Finnish OSD texts (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg).
- Fixed displaying DVB subtitles (thanks to Rolf Ahrenberg for helping to debug 
  understand subtitle page refreshes):
  + Fixed handling DVB subtitle fill region codes for 2 and 8 bpp.
  + Fixed handling pages without an explicit END_OF_DISPLAY_SET_SEGMENT.
    The FINISHPAGE_HACK is no longer necessary.
  + Fixed handling "page refreshes". The data is now parsed and stored closer 
to the
    DVB standard specs, introducing "object refs" and "region refs".
  + The debug output now goes into an HTML file named dbg-log.htm and shows the 
    bitmaps (dbg-nnn.jpg) used to display the subtitles. That way it is much 
easier to
    see what's actually going on.
  + Fixed handling subtitles encoded as a string of characters (the very first
    character was always skipped).
- Fixed wrong initialization of Setup.PositionerSwing (reported by Arthur 
- Updated the Estonian OSD texts (thanks to Arthur Konovalov).
- Fixed cleaning up old EPG events in case no epg data file is given (reported 
  Dave Pickles).
- Unified the internal sequence of actions when pressing the Blue and the Back 
  respectively, during replay (reported by Thomas Maass).
- The Yellow button in the main menu no longer acts as "Pause" if "Pause key 
  is set to "do not pause live video" (suggested by Ulf Kiener).
- The code for distributing recordings over several video directories has been
  removed. VDR now by default assumes that the video directory is one big disk.
  If you absolutely need to use several separate disks to store recordings, you 
  write a plugin that uses the new cVideoDirectory API to implement the 
  functionality (see PLUGINS.html, section "The video directory"). You can copy 
  respective code from previous versions of videodir.c.
  IMPORTANT NOTE: If you write a plugin that implements a distributed video 
  =============== be sure to make cVideoDirectory::Rename() follow symbolic 
                  This functionality was never implemented in VDR and it 
                  used a workaround in cutter.c. See the section marked with
                  // XXX this can be removed once RenameVideoFile() follows 
                  in previous versions of cutter.c.
  + CloseVideoFile() is obsolete and has been removed.
  + The functions OpenVideoFile(), RenameVideoFile(), RemoveVideoFile(), 
    VideoDiskSpace(), RemoveEmptyVideoDirectories(), 
IsOnVideoDirectoryFileSystem() and
    PrefixVideoFileName() are now static members of cVideoDirectory and need to 
be called
    with the proper prefix.
  + The name of the video directory is now available through 
- Added renaming and moving recordings and folders, editing a recording's 
priority and
  lifetime, and queueing cutting jobs (inspired by the "extrecmenu" plugin from 
  + The "Recording info" menu now has a new Blue button named "Edit", which 
opens a
    dialog in which several properties of the selected recording can be 
changed. It can
    be renamed or moved into another folder and its priority and lifetime can be
    modified (inspired by the "extrecmenu" plugin from Martin Prochnow).
    The new blue "Edit" button in the "Recordings" menu opens a dialog in which 
a folder
    can be renamed or moved. See MANUAL, section "Managing folders".
  + In the "Edit recording" menu the Yellow button ("Delete marks") allows you 
to delete
    all editing marks of the selected recording.
  + cCutter is no longer a static class. Cutting requests should now be invoked 
    calling RecordingsHandler.Add(ruCut, FileName). See the new 
    class in recording.h.
  + Cutting jobs are now placed in a queue (together with any move or copy 
jobs) and
    are processed one by one.
  + The new SVDRP command RENR can be used to rename a recording (suggested by 
  + Note that in several places in the source code a "copy" operation is 
    however there is no user interface for this, yet.
- Changed some variable names in positioner.c to match the names used in the 
page with
  the explanation on vdr-portal.de.
- Updated the Italian OSD texts (thanks to Diego Pierotto).
- Fixed writing group separators to channels.conf that contain a comma 
(reported by
  Eike Edener).
- Now also checking the source (in addition to the transponder) when setting the
  system time from the TDT, which avoids problems in case devices are tuned to 
  same transponder on different sources, and these broadcast different time data
  (reported by Torsten Lang).
- Changed cRecorder::Action() to use cTimeMs instead of time() to avoid 
problems with
  unjustified "video data stream broken" errors in case the system time is 
  while a recording is active (reported by Torsten Lang).
- Revised the section on "Learning the remote control keys" in the INSTALL file 
  avoid the impression that there actually is a default remote.conf file, and to
  not use any alphabetic keys for special functions, so that they remain 
  for textual input.
- The function cRecordings::MBperMinute() now only takes into account 
recordings with
  less than 5 seconds per megabyte, in an attempt to filter out radio recordings
  (thanks to Harald Koenig). The result of this function was way off any 
  value in case there are many radio recordings in the video directory.
- Added maximum signal strength value for TechniSat SkyStar 2 DVB-S rev 2.3P 
  to Guido Cordaro).
- Fixed an inconsistent behavior between opening the Recordings menu manually 
via the
  main menu and by pressing the Recordings key. In the latter case it 
  opened all sub folders to position the cursor to the last replayed recording, 
  is unexpected at this point (reported by Helmut Auer). You can still navigate 
  the last replayed recording (if any) by pressing Ok repeatedly in the 

Have fun!


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