Am 13.10.2013 18:20, schrieb Torsten Mohr:
> i have installed an /etc/vdr/ which will NOT shutdown as long as 
> somebody is still logged in.
> So i know pretty sure that VDR is NOT going to shutdown.
> The message shown "VDR wird in 3:00 Minuten ausschalten" does not make
> sense on my system.

If I understand you correctly, then the system will shut down once there
is no logged in user. In this situation, the message does make sense,
and it would be awkward if VDR shuts down after the last user logs off
without any further warning.

VDR doesn't know much about what might have stopped shutdown externally,
so the only way is to frequently retry. And since VDR never knows if
shutdown will succeed, until the final termiante call, there needs to be
a warning beforehand.

After all, since there was no interactive usage for a long time, its
very unlikely that there's someone actually seeing the shutdown messages
pop up every few minutes.

There's a more complex plugin interface to shutdown, where even the
shutdown message can be suppressed while busy, but there's no easy way
to extend this to external scripts. One could however write a plugin
that provides more complex interaction with external scripts, like ask
for shutdown, and accepting something like "wait for 5 more minutes" in
return, without displaying messages.



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