Hi Christopher, Thanks a lot for response. The idea with debian vdr packages was just for getting the idea about build process, nothing else.
Thanks for mentioning vdr4arch, that's it, I haven't found this so far, I'll focus there. On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Christopher Reimer <v...@creimer.net> wrote: > ** > > > > Am 1.9.2013 19:58, schrieb Martin Stiborský: > > Hi guys, > I'd like to ask you for a little help, small introduction into how it > works in VDR development. > > My goal: I'd like to have latest VDR on my RaspberyPi, I have there > Archlinux ARM installed, so it will be maybe a little bit more complicated, > than just upgrading already existing 1.x debian package, which you can use > on Raspbian. > > You know, previously I had Raspbian on the RasPi and installing and > configuring VDR was really simple. > There was webinterface and streaming to my workstation with VLC as a > client was working out-of-box (I have right now only DVB-T USB dongle). > As far as I know there is only 1.x deb package now. > > I'd like to create similar package for Archlinux (PKGBUILD). > > I'll definitelly use already existing debian package as a starting point > for my work. > > > That's definitely the wrong attempt. You can't use debian packages as > starting point for Arch Linux packages. > > Maybe you want to contribute to vdr4arch --> > https://github.com/CReimer/vdr4arch > > > There are also already some projects existing on that matter: > http://sourceforge.net/projects/archvdr/ > https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/vdr/ > (I'm quite confused why there is already existing AUR PKGBUILD and also > another project for the same purpose, Wiki is saying that the other project > should be used instead of AUR package, really don't know why > https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VDR#Installation) > > > ArchVDR is not up-to-date and it doesn't take care of the rules in > Arch's DeveloperWiki. > AUR is the most chaotic place you which exists in the Arch world. Most of > the PKGBUILDs there are in very bad condition. > > > Now I need to get idea about the VDR project in general. > For example, I was not able to find some code repository with your > code...are you using git, hg or svn? Is the repository publicly accessible? > > Maybe this? http://projects.vdr-developer.org/git/ > > I have found also this: http://linuxtv.org/repo/ But VDR is not there, > although there is a lot of links and information about VDR. > > What is the main place for "dev" informations? Is it this wiki? > http://linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/Main_Page > > Btw, what about to put such information on your homepage ( > http://www.tvdr.de/) ? > Maybe even consider Github as a VDR development home, that would be > awesome :) But that's completely your things how to keep you project > running. > > > There's no publicly accessible GIT/HG repository for VDR, but you have > the choice between stable versions (2.0.3) and developer versions (2.1.1) > > > Christopher Reimer > > _______________________________________________ > vdr mailing list > vdr@linuxtv.org > http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr > > -- S pozdravem / Best regards Martin Stiborský Jabber: st...@njs.netlab.cz Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stibi
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