On 31.08.2013 11:06, Dave wrote:
I run VDR 2.0.2 on a Raspberry Pi. The device runs continuously, so to avoid 
wearing out the SD card or needlessly spinning-up the USB disk drive I run VDR 
with the -E- option to prevent saving the EPG every 10 minutes.

Today I created a timer for one programme in a long-running series and was 
surprised to find that the Series Link plugin had scheduled timers for earlier 
episodes, some broadcast several weeks ago! These timers were then 
automatically deleted of course.

Looking at the code, it seems that cleaning up the EPG schedules is a 
side-effect of writing the data file, so the -E- option disables both. Having 
the EPG grow unbounded is perhaps not desirable on devices such as the 
Raspberry Pi which have limited memory and CPU.

Please try the attached patch.

--- epg.c	2013/08/23 10:46:33	3.1
+++ epg.c	2013/08/31 13:07:30
@@ -1169,7 +1169,8 @@
-  cSchedules::Dump();
+  if (epgDataFileName)
+     cSchedules::Dump();
 static cEpgDataWriter EpgDataWriter;
@@ -1217,12 +1218,10 @@
      lastDump = 0;
   time_t now = time(NULL);
   if (now - lastDump > EPGDATAWRITEDELTA) {
-     if (epgDataFileName) {
-        if (Force)
-           EpgDataWriter.Perform();
-        else if (!EpgDataWriter.Active())
-           EpgDataWriter.Start();
-        }
+     if (Force)
+        EpgDataWriter.Perform();
+     else if (!EpgDataWriter.Active())
+        EpgDataWriter.Start();
      lastDump = now;
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