
FYI, now TBS6928 + CAM Neotion Viaccess (*) is working with VDR 1.7.33.

1/ in dvb-s2 (TBS6928)
- SD channels => OK
- HD channels => a few artefacts and sometimes video isn't smooth enough. If
anyone have an idea...

2/ in dvb-t (TBS6280)
Working in SD ans HD channels, but as soon as I add this hardware, VDR
doesn't decrypt anymore dvb-s/s2 channels.
I've to try  with vdr 2.0.1, in case problem persists, I will ask to Klaus.

(*) after stability problem  with SMIT, I sent this CAM to vendor for


-----Message d'origine-----
De : vdr-boun...@linuxtv.org [mailto:vdr-boun...@linuxtv.org] De la part de
Envoyé : mardi 22 janvier 2013 12:25
À : vdr@linuxtv.org
Objet : Re: [vdr] Viaccess CAM support in VDR

Karim <karim.afifi <at> laposte.net> writes:

> Hello,
> I bought the same hardware a few weeks ago. It doesn't work with VDR 
> at this time.
> 1/ I can reset the CAM from VDR but I can't access to the CAM menu.
> 2/ As soon as I plug the SMIT module in the CI slot a red led lights. 
> (I dont' know what it's mean).
> Is it same with you ?
> I have to contact TBS support about this problem this week-end.
> To all vdr users, please give us your feedback about good CAM products.
> Regards.
> Karim


I don't know if it's the same problem but i'm having errors in logfile :

"CAM tried to send a buffer larger than the ecount size!"

End all channels stop working even plain unencrypted channels.



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