On 23.03.2013 1:20 , fnu wrote:

well you could go the hard way and try a mix of repository based VDR
plus any self-compiled Plugins, in that case I would rather suggest
to do everything by yourself inkl. VDR ...

Or a little easier Debian/Ubuntu way, look here: http://goo.gl/Xz7zm,
usage: "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yavdr/testing-vdr"

Our packages do base closely on Tobi's work.

=== Kind regards fnu

Hi Fnu,

Thanks for the suggesting your repo. It looks to have an impressive list of plugins :-) I did a small test-ride, but for some reason it did not install an init-script. is it something i'm missing, or shall i use the init-script found under /usr/share/doc/vdr/examples ?



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