Am 06.03.2013 21:56, schrieb Peter Münster:
> On Wed, Mar 06 2013, Stephan Loescher wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 06 2013, Udo Richter wrote:
>> You can always mount an unionfs or aufs on top of the read only mount,
>> and redirect all write access to a local disk or ram disk. That way VDR
>> will be able to write its status files without changing the source file
>> system.
> Hi Stephan and Udo,
> Unfortunately I don't understand. Could you please show examples?
> I have for example this directory:
> /net/media/data/video/Pippi-geht-von-Bord/2010-07-

Just improvising, haven't tested it, but should give you a hint how to
do it:

- assuming /net/media is an NFS mount or similar
- create a folder /net/media-tmp (optionally mount an tmpfs on it)
- create a folder /net/media-rw
- mount -t aufs -o br:/net/media-tmp:/net/media aufs /net/media-rw

Now you have a virtual copy of /net/media in /net/media-rw, fully
writeable, where all write access goes to /net/media-tmp instead,
leaving /net/media untouched. You can play back
just as before, you can even delete it, but the recording will only
disappear within /net/media-rw, the original copy in /net/media stays



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